Throughout the world each society has days they celebrate each year. These dates can be national, religious, or personal. I shall focus on the birthday. This celebration is probably celebrated even in the most remote parts of the world. It is now time to celebrate another kind of birth: the birth of a stateless person.
July 5, 1998
The day after our nation's birthday: it is the apex of our summer calendar year. It is filled with picnics, festivals, carnivals, live music, dancing, street fairs, cotton candy, dunking machines, ice cream waffle cones, and of course the night dance of fireworks across this great land. It is and will always define the American summer, especially for the young.
But I have something else in mind. The day after our nation's birthday set eighteen years ago this year will celebrate something completely American: a stateless birth.
I can understand that a blog post may seem inadequate to explain such an idea, but even in brevity the main aspects of the principle should be approachable by all.
I begin first by saying that this is not a turning away, but rather, a turning towards. It is the next step.
The criteria are quite simple. If a person has not become a naturalized citizen or is a first-generation birthed American, then they will be categorized as a stateless person.
Now, this name of a stateless person may at first put people off. The term, I assure you, has no intention of being derogatory towards the owner of the name. It is simply a status of citizenship. Nothing more.
The name does not imply coward, anarchist, criminal, saint, or anything else in political speak. It is just a status.
All people that do meet this criteria are known legally as stateless while they are in America. If they return to their country of origin they will regain citizenship from that country. Being categorized as stateless does not imply anything about their own personal traits. This category is based in legality which will in turn affect their status here in America only.
1. A stateless person will not have access to any social programs offered by any city, county, state, or territory of America.
2. A stateless person will not have access to a civilian court or attorney.
3. A stateless person must register with the United States Navy.
4. A stateless person must pay an annual stateless fee of 2.5% of the Median Household Income based on the state in which they reside each year. If they reside in multiple states during a fiscal year, then the stateless person will pay the state with the highest MHI.
Example: Arizona MHI: $48,621 in 2012
48,621 X .025= 1,216 (rounded up)
The stateless person residing in Arizona must pay the US Navy $1,216 USD upon entry into America. It is not pro-rated. The fiscal year is January 1 through December 31. It does not matter when the person arrives. They will pay the same amount of $1, 216.00 USD.
If the stateless person remains in Arizona for a second year without leaving America, then the stateless fee will be due July 5 of that year. If they leave and decide to return to America, they again must pay the fee upon entry. No exceptions. If the person leaves and returns multiple times in a fiscal year they will pay the same amount for each entry.
5. The United States Navy will deposit the funds into a special account in the Federal Reserve the first year the stateless person arrives. Subsequent payments will be split 50/50 between the Federal Reserve and the state in which the stateless person resides.
6. This fee cannot be paid by a sponsor or third party. The United States Navy will trace the funds to their origin. If there is any attempt to commit fraud, then the US Navy will charge the person with treason. If found guilty, they will be held in a military prison until their execution.
7. A stateless person will operate while in America in a fee-based system. This means that if the person calls the police, fire rescue, paramedics, or any other agency, they must pay for that service. The fee scale will be set and maintained by the US Navy.
8. A stateless person cannot vote.
Now, if a person is a legacy (a person with at least two generations of family born in America) they have the stateless option as well. Upon their 18th birthday the person fills out an application for stateless status for the US Navy. This application is a declaration that surrenders their citizenship. This application has a 12 month holding period wherein the person has the ability to withdraw the application with no reciprocity. After the holding period the person must "interview" with the US Navy for American citizenship reinstatement. The fee for this reinstatement is: MHI x 5.
Example: Illinois $57, 444 in 2014
57,444 x 5=287,220
Once a person is stateless, any offspring from any relationship will be deemed stateless by birth in America. If they child is born in another country American authorities will adhere to the law of that country in regards to citizenship.
Upon their 18th birthday, any stateless children will have the right to apply for citizenship in America. The fee for this application will be: MHI x 10.
Example: South Carolina $43,916 in 2012
43,916 x 10=439,160
The dossier of a stateless person.
A. No stateless person can be arrested or detained by local or state law enforcement.
B. No stateless person shall be forced to pay any monetary fee or membership outside the stateless fee they pay to the US Navy.
C. No stateless person shall pay any personal property tax or income tax at any level of government.
D. A stateless person may serve their domain in any capacity they see fit. For example: jury duty, volunteer fire department, or military service.
The stateless person will communicate their status by carrying a US Naval ID tag. Any country currently in a trade agreement with America shall honor this US Naval ID tag when or if the stateless person travels abroad. This ID tag will replace any other currently used documentation like a passport.
It is possible I may have missed a point or two. I am sure people reading this will have questions. The people I have discussed this idea with certainly had questions. I have made every attempt to manage the answers to keep them as simple as possible.
By no means is this a cure or device directed towards immigration. This idea is not a solution to immigration, because I do not see immigration as a problem. To establish clarity for the reader: this is a solution to the modern issue of ownership by domain.
I am simply trying to solve the conundrum of: does a country own you or do you own your country? Do rights belong to a person or to a geographic location?
It is time to accept the natural evolution. It is time to acknowledge truth. It is time to evolve beyond positive and negative rights.
We have no control over what monsters darken our doorway, but we do have the ability to choose how we respond to them. Don't be afraid. This is just the next step.
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